Cryotherapy, or cold therapy, has been around for over forty years. It is a generally safe treatment for most people that exposes the body to freezing temperatures ranging between -238°F to -274°F. Treatments can help with muscle pain, pain from autoimmune diseases, inflammation, migraines, mental health, and skin conditions.

* Cryotherapy is not recommended for those who have hypertension, Raynaud’s disease, a history of vascular impairment, pregnancy, or hypersensitivity to cold. For questions, email us!

Cryotherapy, Soothe Your Soul, The Giving Tree Cryo


“I just floated for the first time and cannot believe how weightless and relaxed I felt!” - Melissa

Cryo, Cryotherapy, Soothe Your Soul, The Giving Tree, Oxford Mi

Whole Body Cryotherapy

Whole body cryotherapy involves standing in a single-person cryotherapy booth for about 2-3 minutes while liquid nitrogen vapors cool temperatures to between -238°F to -274°F. Can be beneficial for arthritis, healing after surgery, recovering after exercise, rejuvenating the skin, back-pain and fibromyalgia relief, depression and anxiety, MS symptom management, Alzheimer’s Disease, Bursitis, weight loss, insomnia, and migraines.


Three-minute session: $55

Cryotherapy Oxford Michigan, Cryotherapy facial

Targeted Cryotherapy

A cryotherapy facial takes pressurized liquid nitrogen vapors and applies them to the face and neck to increase stimulation of collagen and decrease pores. The result is tighter and more even skin. Helps with soothing intense acne and smoothing wrinkles and fine lines.


Cryo Facial: $145
Cryo Treatment: $25

Learn More

  • Cryotherapy is the practice of using cold temperatures to promote natural healing and wellness. It dates back to ancient civilizations. Whole body cryotherapy is the modern application and stimulates the same rejuvenation at a whole new level of cold – in just three minutes.

    Potential Benefits:

    • Alleviation of muscle and joint pain

    • Promotion of weight loss

    • Anxiety and depression relief

    • Reduced signs of aging

    • Better sleep patterns

    • Uncontrolled seizure disorder

    • Nerve pain in feet and legs

    • Open sores

    • Any disease or condition with increased sensitivity to cold

  • What is the history of cryotherapy?

    Whole Body Cryotherapy was developed in the 1970’s in Japan by Dr. Toshima Yamauchi for the treatment of arthritis and has been offered in Europe for 30+ years for pain management, athletic recovery, and inflammation.

    Why do people enjoy cryotherapy?

    Survey results indicate many cryotherapy participants use cryotherapy for pain management, workout recovery, mental well-being and weight management. Whole body cryotherapy is an excellent complement to existing health and wellness initiatives.

    Should I do cryotherapy before or after exercise?

    Participants who utilize cryotherapy before exercise claim they experience increased energy, endurance, and flexibility. Participants who utilize cryotherapy after exercise claim they experience faster rejuvenation.

    What should I do during the 3-minutes I am in the cryosauna?

    During your supervised, 3-minute Cryo therapy session, a cryosauna operator may ask you to rotate or jog in place to maximize your experience.

    Do I need to complete the full 3-minutes to benefit from cryotherapy?

    The 3-minute guideline is the maximum recommended session time for cryotherapy. Your safety and comfort are our priority, and you may exit the cryosauna at any time during the session. No session exceeds three minutes, and the operator is present throughout your session.

    What should I wear during a cryotherapy session? You are provided with thermal gloves, socks, cryo booties, and a robe. You must wear dry underwear and not be wet when entering the cryosauna (e.g. sweat from a workout). Women who opt to wear a bra should ensure it is wireless. All piercings below your chin must be taken out or covered with an adhesive bandage. Your body should be free from any oils or lotions prior to your visit.

    How often should I do cryotherapy?

    Survey results indicate participants report they experience benefits after 3-5 consecutive cryotherapy sessions. Many participants find that to maintain these benefits, they need to do cryotherapy 2-3 times a week. Impact Cryotherapy recommends clients participate in consistent cryotherapy sessions.

    What is the age requirement for cryotherapy?

    Anyone age 18 or older can enjoy cryotherapy if they meet the height and health requirements. Clients under the age of 18 must have parental consent and a guardian present at the time of the session. The minimum age is 14 years old.

    Do I need to do anything special before my cryotherapy session?

    All clients are given a waiver to complete prior to their session unless they completed their waiver online.

    How should I feel during and after my sessions?

    During a cryotherapy session, participants feel a dry cold. Many clients report feeling a sense of calm or rejuvenation after their session. Others report feelings of euphoria and/or energy.

  • • Uncontrolled high-blood pressure

    • Pregnancy

    • Raynaud’s Syndrome

    • Allergy to cold

    • Prior heart attack or pacemaker

    • Unstable heart pain

    • Disease of the blood vessels

    • History of blood clots

  • The CryoFacial is a cryogenic treatment, in which a controlled beam of nitrogen vapor is used to cool the skin of the face, scalp, and neck area. This facial helps reduce pore size, headache and migraine causing inflammation, acne and rosacea flare ups, and improves skin tone. The manual application of nitrogen vapors is a noninvasive way to prompt collagen and elastin reproduction and improve cell turn over.

    Local cryotherapy is administered to targeted areas of the body to as an alternative to long hours of icing in order to return to a normal fitness or everyday routine. It is a comfortably cold experience and participants relate the following:

    • Reduce chronic pain from arthritis

    • Provides relief from headaches and migraine symptoms

    • Numbs nerve irritation

    • Reduces swelling and pain from inflammation

    • Enhances natural healing process

  • How does CryoFacial work?

    The intense cold causes blood vessels to contract and your pores to tighten. The vapors exfoliate the outer layer of dead skin cells, making it appear smoother and more youthful. Cold reduces puffiness, dark circles, and redness by temporarily causing blood vessels to constrict. After treatment, skin absorbs skin products as the blood vessels expand. The rapid temperature changes encourage blood flow and the distribution of vitamins, nutrients, and oxygen which in turn increases collagen production. Vasoconstriction can help reduce the frequency of chronic headaches. By reducing the blood flow to the area, the “pounding” feeling dissipates.

    How does Local Cryo work?

    Reducing skin temperature to 50 ̊F constricts blood vessels, thus slowing the flow of fluids to the inflamed area and minimizing swelling. When the skin warms up, fluid will flow freely to flush out the excess in the area.

  • Cryoglobulinemia

    • Cold agglutination

    • Hemolysis

    • Cold induced hemoglobinuria

    • Cold urticaria

    • Cold hypersensitivity

    • Reynaud’s Phenomena

    • Trophic disorders

    • Aesthesia disorders

    • Significant anemia

    • Carcinomas

    • Congelation (frost bite)

    • Tissue microvasculature disorders (i.e., artery occlusive disease, diabetes, chronic venous insufficiency)

    • Serious heart and vascular diseases (including ischemic heart disease, hypertension)

    • Kidney and urinary bladder diseases

    • Neurological diseases

    • Paresthesia

    • Polyneuropathies

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