Soothe Your Soul Inside The Giving Tree Collective

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Seasonal transitions: a fall energy “check-in”

As the vibrant energy of summer begins to wane and we transition into the cooler, introspective months of fall, it’s an ideal time to check in with yourself and assess how your energy has shifted over the past few months. This seasonal energy check-in will help you understand where you stand, what you need to release, and how you can align more deeply with the grounding energy of autumn.

Why an Energy Check-In?

Just as the seasons change, so does our internal energy. The intense, active energy of summer often pushes us to be more outward-focused and dynamic, while fall invites us to slow down, reflect, and turn inward. Taking the time to check in with yourself can help you transition smoothly into the new season and make the most of the autumnal energy.

How to Perform Your Energy Check-In:

1. Reflect on Your Summer:

  • Start by reflecting on the past season. Consider the following questions:

    • What were the highlights of your summer?

    • What goals or intentions did you set at the beginning of the season? Did you accomplish them?

    • What challenges did you face, and how did they impact your energy?

  • Write down your thoughts in a journal or notebook (or the worksheet provided below). This will help you gain clarity on how the summer has shaped your current state of being.

2. Assess Your Current Energy Levels:

  • Take a moment to sit quietly and tune into your body. How are you feeling physically, emotionally, and spiritually? Consider the following areas:

    • Physical Energy: Are you feeling vibrant and strong, or are you fatigued and in need of rest?

    • Emotional Energy: Are you feeling balanced, or are there lingering emotions from the summer that need to be addressed?

    • Spiritual Energy: Are you feeling connected to your inner self and the world around you, or do you feel disconnected or ungrounded?

  • Use this assessment to identify areas where your energy might be out of balance or where you need to focus more attention.

4. Set Intentions for Fall:

  • Once you’ve identified what needs to be released, think about what you want to invite into your life this fall. What energy do you want to cultivate? What new habits or practices would support your well-being as the seasons change?

  • Write down your intentions for the fall season. These could be specific goals, like starting a new meditation practice or spending more time in nature, or they could be more abstract, like cultivating inner peace or deepening your spiritual connection.

3. Identify What Needs to Be Released:

  • Fall is a time of letting go, just as the trees shed their leaves. What are you holding onto that no longer serves you? This could be old habits, limiting beliefs, unresolved emotions, or even physical clutter.

    • Make a list of these things, and consider how you can begin to release them. This might involve a physical decluttering of your space, an emotional release practice like journaling or talking to a trusted friend, or setting new boundaries to protect your energy. You can even write your list on a leaf and let it go in a stream or burn it.

5. Create a Fall Self-Care Plan:

  • Based on your energy assessment and intentions, create a self-care plan that will support you through the fall. This might include:

    • Grounding Practices: Activities like yoga, meditation, or spending time in nature to help you stay grounded.

    • Nourishing Rituals: Incorporating seasonal foods, warm teas, and self-care practices like baths or massages to nourish your body and soul.

    • Energy Healing Sessions: A series of Reiki, Soul Coaching, Repatterning or other energy healing sessions can help to offer a gentle transition into the cooler, darker months and help you to better navigate the seasonal shifts within.

    • Energy Cleansing: Regularly cleansing your space and energy field using tools like herbs, crystals, or sound healing to keep your energy clear and balanced.

  • Make a commitment to prioritize these practices throughout the fall season.

6. Revisit and Reflect:

  • Plan to revisit this energy check-in periodically throughout the fall. Reflect on how your energy has shifted, what progress you’ve made, and whether you need to make any adjustments to your self-care plan or intentions.

Bonus: Energy Check-In Worksheet

  • To make this process even easier, we’ve created a printable Energy Check-In Worksheet that guides you through each step of the process. Download it, print it out, and use it to keep track of your reflections, assessments, and intentions for the fall season.