25 Winter Self Care Ideas

During Michigan winter, there are days where being stuck inside is inevitable. Whether it is an ice storm, a snow storm - or anything in between - we’ve got you covered with 25 ideas for some cozy self care.

  1. Create plans for your spring garden.

  2. Find the random ingredients you have in your kitchen or pantry and challenge yourself to create a warm, delicious soup.

  3. Create your summer bucket list.

  4. Call or FaceTime a friend.

  5. Teach yourself to knit or crochet.

  6. Bake a loaf of homemade bread.

  7. Write a letter (yes, with actual pen and paper) to mail to a loved one.

  8. Move your body with a YouTube fitness video.

  9. Take a warm bath with Epsom salts and a few drops of your favorite essential oil.

  10. Start that craft project you’ve been planning.

  11. Paint your nails or experiment with a new make-up look.

  12. Meditate.

  13. Sort through your closet and find items to sell or donate, freeing up space for good energy to come in.

  14. Soak your feet in warm water and treat yourself to a foot scrub, followed by lotion and comfy socks.

  15. Put on your headphones and listen to your favorite album.

  16. Grab a cup of tea, a blanket and your favorite book.

  17. Write down a positive affirmation for yourself multiple times and post it where you can see it everyday.

  18. Eat the chocolate.

  19. Journal about all of the things that make you happy.

  20. Get all of your daily water in (you’re stuck inside and the bathroom is close, right?)

  21. Snuggle with your pet, a stuffed animal or wear your favorite squishy sweater.

  22. Look through old photos.

  23. Play a board game with family or do a puzzle book on your own.

  24. Give yourself a mini-facial.

  25. Take a nap.


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